Tutorial for Progenesis LC-MS v3.0
Using this tutorial, you will learn the basic workflow of analysis within Progenesis LC‑MS v3.0. Although it will not go into depth on the various features, it will help you become familiar with the steps required to identify the interesting proteins in your experiments.
Before you start…
In Progenesis LC-MS, the first step of any analysis is to create an experiment file and import the MS run data files into it. For this tutorial, the process is simplified, as we already have an archived experiment that we can restore. Download it here:
LC-MS Tutorial.zip (246MB)
Extract the contents of that file to any folder on your PC. The folder will then contain a file named LC-MS Tutorial.ProgenesisLcmsArchive. To open this experiment, simply double-click on the extracted file; Progenesis LC-MS will start and you will see the following prompt:
For this tutorial, just click the Import button to accept the default Name and Folder values in the prompt. Progenesis LC-MS then loads the experiment and we're ready to begin analysis.