Support for Thermo Q Exactive inclusion list

About this plug-in
This format is exported as a text file (.txt) with values separated by tab characters. Retention times are calculated in minutes by finding the mean and standard deviation of each included peptide's most intense peak across all aligned runs. The retention time limits are given as:
Minimum: | mean − 3 x standard deviations |
Maximum: | mean + 3 x standard deviations |
An extra option allows you to increase this retention time window by a number of minutes to account for likely changes in chromatography. With this format, any peptides that have the same m/z value and retention time windows less than 0.02 minutes apart, are merged into a single entry in the inclusion list.
Exported fields:
Mass [m/z] | m/z of the monoisotopic peak |
CS [z] | charge of the peptide |
Polarity | polarity of the peptide 'Positive' or 'Negative' |
Start [min] | Start of the retention time window in minutes |
End [min] | End of the retention time window in minutes |