Progenesis CoMet frequently-asked questions
Help us expand this FAQ: ask us a question and we'll get an answer for you. If we hear your question enough, we'll make the answer available for everyone on this page.
System requirements & compatibility
- What PC specification do I need to run Progenesis CoMet?
- Why is it better to run Progenesis CoMet on a 64-bit operating system?
- What instrument types, data types and file formats are supported?
- Which search engines and databases are supported for identifying compounds?
Analysis procedures
- Fundamental concepts in the CoMet workflow
- What is an ion intensity map?
- How can I assess the quality of my chromatography?
- How do I remove a run from my experiment?
- Should I remove runs that have been imported with warnings?
- Why is alignment so important?
- How does alignment work in Progenesis CoMet?
- How do I use the Alignment screen?
- How do “same ion” outlines work in Progenesis CoMet?
- Which runs should I use for peak picking?
- How do my experiment designs affect analysis?
- How can I show only the interesting features and compounds?
- Do any search engines support ms/ms data?
- How do I decide which identifications are correct?
Measurement and statistics
- How does normalistion work in Progenesis CoMet?
- Do I need to filter out MS1 data to control for outliers and for normalisation to work?
- How are the feature measurements calculated?
- How are the compound measurements calculated?
- Why are compound measurements stabilised?
- What does Principal Component Analysis (PCA) show?
- What does the dendrogram show, or what is correlation analysis?
- What are p-values?
- What are q-values, and why are they important?
- What is power analysis?